Over the next couple of months, you will hear from your colleagues about why they give to the Faculty and Staff Campaign.
If you would like to share why you support NWU, please contact greber [at] yuandianwan.com (Gary Reber).
Travis Jensen, Assistant Dean of Faculty and Curriculum, University College
Karla Jensen, Associate Professor of Communication
"When asking ourselves “Why we give” we thought of Nebraska Wesleyan's core values. In particular, two core values inspire us to give back: Liberal Arts and Community. We give because Nebraska Wesleyan makes a quality liberal arts education available to all kinds of students – traditional and nontraditional, undergraduate and graduate.
In our work with all of these students, we’ve seen first hand the transformative effects of the liberal arts. We give because we greatly value our community of hardworking and committed colleagues – both staff and faculty, both UC and CLAS. We want to support our community as we all support our students. Please consider what inspires you and give what you can.
We’re all in this together."
Geri Cotter, Assistant Dean of Students
"At the end of each semester, I review student exit forms. In doing so, I come across too many students who indicate that their NWU experience has been “amazing,” but they simply cannot afford to continue attending. If we each make a financial investment in Nebraska Wesleyan University, regardless of the size, we are making a compounding investment in our students, and ourselves. It is compounding because our demonstration of confidence in the future of this institution inspires others to give as well, and so it goes…
I give to the Archway Fund because I want to do my part to help ensure that students who consider their NWU experience to be, “amazing,” have access to the financial resources to be able to complete that “amazing” experience.
Sarah Kelen, Associate Professor of English
"Everyone at Nebraska Wesleyan can think of students whose lives were changed because they had the personal attention and mentoring available at NWU — students who discovered unexpected career paths through service learning projects, students whose collaborative research helped them earn postgraduate scholarships, students whose study abroad experiences led to international careers, students whose campus leadership positions prepared them for career and civic leadership.
We are all justifiably proud of the work we do to help students develop their skills inside and beyond the classroom. However, we can only do that work with the students who can afford to enroll. As important as it is that we all work together to educate our students, it is equally important that faculty and staff participate in making an NWU education affordable for as many talented students as we can.
That’s why I give to the Archway Fund. Why do you give?"